
Who's Who - A to Z Listing

King Albert of Belgium This sub-section of the Who's Who category of the site contains all biographies contained within each of the sub-section categories (with the exception of Prose & Poetry entries), each arranged alphabetically.

Included here are biographies of monarchs, commanders, air aces, politicians and inventors, among many others.

New profiles are added regularly; check back periodically and take a look.

Biography Duke of the Abruzzi BiographyJoseph Joffre
BiographyViktor Adler BiographyArchduke Josef Augustin
BiographyArthur Edward Aitken BiographyArchduke Josef Ferdinand
BiographyWilliam Aitken BiographyAlexei Kaledin
BiographyKing Albert I BiographyMitsuomi Kamio
BiographyDuke Albrecht BiographyEmperor Karl I
BiographyEdwin Alderson BiographyCount Karolyi
BiographyKing Alexander I BiographyAlexei Kazakov
BiographyTsarina Alexandra BiographyFranz von Keil
BiographyMikhail Alexeev BiographyMustafa Kemal Pasha
BiographyJames Allen BiographyAlexander Kerenski
BiographyEdmund Allenby BiographyRoger Keyes
BiographyKarl Allmenroder BiographyKhalil Pasha
BiographyJean Paul Ambrogi BiographyLauncelot Kiggell
BiographyJulius Andrassy BiographyField Kindley
BiographyFrancois Anthoine BiographyElwyn King
BiographyDuke Aosta BiographyRaphael Kirchner
BiographyPavel Argeyev BiographyJohn Simpson Kirkpatrick
BiographyJulius Arigi BiographyHans Kirschstein
BiographyEdward Ashmore BiographyJosef Kiss
BiographyHerbert Henry Asquith BiographyHerbert Horatio Kitchener
BiographyMoritz von Auffenberg BiographyAlexander von Kluck
BiographyJean Augagneur BiographyAlexander Kolchak
BiographyAlexandru Averescu BiographyErnst von Korber
BiographyWilliam Babtie BiographyLavr Kornilov
BiographyGustav Bachmann BiographyHermann Kovess
BiographyReginald Bacon BiographyKarel Kramar
BiographyPrince Max von Baden BiographyKress von Kressenstein
BiographyPaul Baer BiographyAlexander Krivoshein
BiographyBruce Bairnsfather BiographyAlexander von Krobatin
BiographyHerbert Baker BiographyBela Kun
BiographyNewton Baker BiographyAlexei Kuropatkin
BiographyArthur Balfour BiographyM-J-L Lacaze
BiographyAlbert Ball BiographyAuguste Lahoulle
BiographyFrancesco Baracca BiographyPercival Lake
BiographyWilliam Barker BiographyFrederick Lambart
BiographyLouis of Battenberg BiographyHeinrich Lammasch
BiographyMax Bauer BiographyReed Landis
BiographyOtto Bauer BiographyF. de Langle de Cary
BiographyPaul Bäumer BiographyCharles Lanrezac
BiographyFrank Baylies BiographyRobert Lansing
BiographyCharles Bean BiographyHarry Lauder
BiographyDavid Beatty BiographyWilfred Laurier
BiographyA. Beauchamp-Proctor BiographyT.E. Lawrence
BiographyO von Beaulieu-Marconnay BiographyWilliam Leefe-Robinson
BiographyWilfred Beaver BiographyErnst Leman
BiographyLord Beaverbrook BiographyGerard Leman
BiographyFritz von Below BiographyMaxime Lenoir
BiographyOtto von Below BiographyPrince Leopold
BiographyPope Benedict XV BiographyAdrien Leps
BiographyEduard Benes BiographyPaul von Lettow-Vorbeck
BiographyLouis Bennett Jr. BiographyPercy Wyndham Lewis
BiographyWilliam Shepherd Benson BiographyKarl Liebknecht
BiographyLeopold von Berchtold BiographyOtto von Liman Sanders
BiographyFritz Bernert BiographyFrank Linke-Crawford
BiographyCount von Bernstorff BiographyAlexander von Linsingen
BiographyHans Berr BiographyWalter Lippmann
BiographyHenri Berthelot BiographyLouis James Lipsett
BiographyRudolf Berthold BiographyRobert Little
BiographyHans von Beseler BiographyDavid Lloyd George
BiographyT. von Bethmann-Hollweg BiographyHenry Cabot Lodge
BiographyEdward Bingham BiographyCarl Lody
BiographyNoel Birch BiographyErich Lowenhardt
BiographyWilliam Birdwood BiographyErich Ludendorff
BiographyWilliam Bishop BiographyRaoul Lufbery
BiographyOtto von Bismarck BiographyFrank Luke Jr
BiographyMaurice Bizot BiographyHenry Lukin
BiographyRobert Blackburn BiographyEdwin Lutyens
BiographyTasker Bliss BiographyRosa Luxemburg
BiographyReginald Blomfield BiographyPrince Georgy Lvov
BiographyOswald Boelcke BiographyHubert Lyautey
BiographyEduard von Bohm-Ermolli BiographyGeorge MacDonogh
BiographyPaul Bolo BiographyCharles Mace
BiographyLouis Jean Bols BiographyAugust von Mackensen
BiographyAndrew Bonar Law BiographyDonald MacLaren
BiographyMuirhead Bone BiographyGeorges Madon
BiographyRobert Borden BiographyPaul Maistre
BiographyFelix von Bothmer BiographyNikolai Maklakov
BiographySvetozar von Boroevic BiographyHardutt Singh Malik
BiographyPaolo Boselli BiographyAlexander Malinov
BiographyHenry Botterell BiographyGeoffrey Malins
BiographyLouis Botha BiographyLouis Malvy
BiographyLeon Bourjade BiographyCharles Mangin
BiographyMaurice Boyau BiographyEdward Mannock
BiographyKarl Boy-Ed BiographyPeyton March
BiographyWalter Braithwaite BiographyAlexandru Marghiloman
BiographyIon Bratianu BiographyPierre Marinovitch
BiographyAristide Briand BiographyWilliam Marshall
BiographyWilliam Bridges BiographyTomas Masaryk
BiographyFenner Brockway BiographyWilliam Massey
BiographyCharles de Broqueville BiographyCharles Masterman
BiographyArthur Roy Brown BiographyMata Hari
BiographyGeorg Bruchmuller BiographyGeorg von der Marwitz
BiographyGodwin Brumowski BiographyFrederick Maude
BiographyAlexei Brusilov BiographyLouis Maud'huy
BiographyJames Bryce BiographyMichel-Joseph Maunoury
BiographyJohn Buchan BiographyFrederick Maurice
BiographyFranz Buchner BiographyHiram Maxim
BiographyEdward Bulfin BiographySir Ivor Maxse
BiographyIstvan von Burian BiographyJohn Maxwell
BiographyWilliam Jennings Bryan BiographyHenry Thomas Mayo
BiographyRobert Lee Bullard BiographyWilliam McAdoo
BiographyKarl von Bulow BiographyFrederick McCall
BiographyGeorge Butterworth BiographyJames McCudden
BiographyJulian Byng BiographyJ.B. McDowell
BiographyLuigi Cadorna BiographyGeorge McElroy
BiographyJoseph Caillaux BiographyAndrew McKeever
BiographyFulco Ruffo di Calabria BiographyReginald McKenna
BiographyGeorge Callaghan BiographySultan Mehmed V
BiographyPaul Cambon BiographySultan Mehmed VI
BiographyEduard von Capelle BiographyCarl Menckhoff
BiographyLuigi Capello BiographyDesire Mercier
BiographySackville Carden BiographyJoannis Metaxas
BiographyKing Carol I BiographyAndre de Meulemeester
BiographyAlfred Carpenter BiographyGeorg Michaelis
BiographyEdward Carson BiographyJoseph Alfred Micheler
BiographyAlbert Desbrisay Carter BiographyGrand Duke Mikhail
BiographyJean Casale BiographyAlexandre Millerand
BiographyRoger Casement BiographyWilliam Mills
BiographyNoel de Castelnau BiographyBerkeley Milne
BiographyEarl Cavan BiographyGeorge Milne
BiographyEdith Cavell BiographyAlfred Milner
BiographyKing Charles IV BiographyZivojin Misic
BiographyJohn Charteris BiographyWilliam Mitchell
BiographyEdward Chaytor BiographyHelmuth von Moltke
BiographyPhilip Chetwode BiographyJohn Monash
BiographyWinston Churchill BiographyCharles Monro
BiographyH. von Clam-Martinic BiographyHenry Morgenthau
BiographyWilliam Claxton BiographyThomas Mottershead
BiographyTubby Clayton BiographyGeorg von Muller
BiographyGeorges Clemenceau BiographyKeith Murdoch
BiographyAlexander Cobbe BiographyArchibald Murray
BiographyArthur Cobby BiographyBenito Mussolini
BiographyGeorge M Cohan BiographyPaul Nash
BiographyMichel Coiffard BiographyJean Navarre
BiographyRaymond Collishaw BiographyWalter Nernst
BiographyKing Constantine I BiographyChristopher Nevinson
BiographyWilly Coppens BiographyHenry Nevinson
BiographyJohn Cowans BiographyTsar Nicholas II
BiographyChristopher Cradock BiographyGrand Duke Nikolai
BiographyGeorge Creel BiographyRobert Nivelle
BiographyArthur Currie BiographyJohn Nixon
BiographyOttokar Czernin BiographyMaximilian Njegovan
BiographyRoderic Dallas BiographyMarcel Nogues
BiographyAlfredo Dallolio BiographyLord Northcliffe
BiographyHarry Dalziel BiographyJohn Norton-Griffiths
BiographyJosephus Daniels BiographyGustav Noske
BiographyYuri Danilov BiographyIvor Novello
BiographyViktor Graf Dankl BiographyCharles Nungesser
BiographyGabriele D'Annunzio BiographyJan Olieslagers
BiographyMarie-Eugene Debeney BiographyVittorio Orlando
BiographyVictor Deguise BiographyWilliam Orpen
BiographyTheobald von Deimling BiographyIgnace Paderewski
BiographyA. Boue de Lapeyrere BiographyPaul Painleve
BiographyTheophile Delcasse BiographyWilliam Pakenham
BiographyH. de Beauvoir de Lisle BiographyFranz von Papen
BiographyAnton Denikin BiographyNikola Pasic
BiographyFranz von Denta BiographyPaul Pau
BiographyLord Derby BiographyJohn J Pershing
BiographyJohn de Robeck BiographyHenri-Philippe Petain
BiographyFranchet d'Esperey BiographyKing Peter I
BiographyAlbert Louis Deullin BiographyGabrielle Petit
BiographyArmando Diaz BiographyKarl von Pflanzer-Baltin
BiographyDragutin Dimitrijevic BiographyJosef Pilsudski
BiographyMehmed Djaved Bey BiographyArmand Pinsard
BiographyAhmed Djemal Pasha BiographyWenzel von Plehve
BiographyCharles Dobell BiographyHerbert Plumer
BiographyVladimir Dragomirov BiographyHugo von Pohl
BiographyAuguste Dubail BiographyRaymond Poincare
BiographyPierre Dubois BiographyAlexei Polivanov
BiographyDenis Auguste Duchene BiographyOskar Potiorek
BiographyNikolai Dukhonin BiographyConstantine Prezan
BiographyConstantin Dumba BiographyGavrilo Princip
BiographyLionel Dunsterville BiographyMaximilian von Prittwitz
BiographyAndrei Eberhardt BiographyEduard Pulpe
BiographyFriedrich Ebert BiographyRadomir Putnik
BiographyJames Edmonds BiographyDavid Putnam
BiographyJacques Ehrlich BiographyFerdinand von Quast
BiographyHermann von Eichhorn BiographyFrancis Quigley
BiographyKarl von Einem BiographyVasil Radoslavov
BiographyPompey Elliott BiographyLouis Raemaekers
BiographyEnver Pasha BiographyGrigory Rasputin
BiographyWilliam Erwin BiographyWalter Rathenau
BiographyMatthias Erzberger BiographyHenry Rawlinson
BiographyNikolai von Essen BiographyGeorge Windle Read
BiographyArchduke Eugen BiographyPaul von Rennenkampf
BiographyEdward Evans BiographyCharles Repington
BiographyAlexei Evert BiographyLudwig von Reuter
BiographyJames Alfred Ewing BiographyWilliam Rhodes-Moorhouse
BiographyErich von Falkenhayn BiographyArthur Rhys Davids
BiographyMarie Fayolle BiographyAlexandre Ribot
BiographyVictor Fedorov BiographyLothar von Richthofen
BiographyFranz Ferdinand BiographyManfred von Richthofen
BiographyKing Ferdinand I BiographyEddie Rickenbacker
BiographyTsar Ferdinand I BiographyWilliam Robertson
BiographyBenno F. von Fernbrugg BiographyMikhail Rodzianko
BiographyArthur Fields BiographyCharles Rosenthal
BiographyAndrew Fisher BiographyIndra Lal Roy
BiographyJohn Fisher BiographyPierre Ruffey
BiographyBradley Allen Fiske BiographyFritz Rumey
BiographyFerdinand Foch BiographyCrown Prince Rupprecht
BiographyAnton Fokker BiographyAndrew Russell
BiographyRene Fonck BiographyNikolai Ruzsky
BiographyHermann von Francois BiographySaid Halim Pasha
BiographyEmperor Franz Josef I BiographyGiovanni Sabelli
BiographyJohn French BiographyAntonio Salandra
BiographyBernard Freyberg BiographyAlexander Samsonov
BiographyA. von Freytag-Loring. BiographyFlora Sandes
BiographyArchduke Friedrich BiographyMarquis di San Giuliano
BiographyPhilip Fullard BiographyMaurice Sarrail
BiographyJohn Fuller BiographySergei Sazonov
BiographyJoseph Gallieni BiographySilvio Scaroni
BiographyMax von Gallwitz BiographyReinhardt Scheer
BiographyHector Garaud BiographyPhilipp Scheidemann
BiographyLindley Garrison BiographyAlfred von Schlieffen
BiographyRoland Garros BiographyAlois Fürst Schönburg
BiographyPaul Gastin BiographyLudwig von Schroder
BiographyDominique-Marie Gauchet BiographyHans von Seeckt
BiographyAuckland Geddes BiographyDmitry Shcherbachev
BiographyEric Geddes BiographyAlexander Shook
BiographyJohn Gellibrand BiographyAlfred Shout
BiographyKing George V BiographyDmitry Shuvaev
BiographyJames W. Gerard BiographyJohn Simpson
BiographyPhilip Gibbs BiographyWilliam Sims
BiographyCyriaque Gillain BiographyIvan Smirnov
BiographyFrederick Gillet BiographyRobert Smith-Barry
BiographyJuri Gilsher BiographyHorace Smith-Dorrien
BiographyWilliam Glasgow BiographyJan Christian Smuts
BiographyAlexander Godley BiographyNevill Maskelyne Smyth
BiographyHerman Goering BiographyWilhelm Solf
BiographyBaron von der Goltz BiographySidney Sonnino
BiographySamuel Gompers BiographyWilhelm Souchon
BiographyWilliam Goodenough BiographyMaximilian von Spee
BiographyIvan Goremykin BiographyAlexander Stamboliski
BiographyGeorge Gorringe BiographyR. Stoger-Steiner
BiographyHubert Gough BiographyStepa Stepanovic
BiographyHenri Gouraud BiographyWilfred Stokes
BiographyRodolfo Graziani BiographyWilliam Stones
BiographyEdward Grey BiographyFrederick Stopford
BiographyIvan Grigorovich BiographyArz von Straussenberg
BiographyWilhelm Groener BiographyGustav Stresemann
BiographyAlexander Guchkov BiographyFrederick Sturdee
BiographyGabriel Guerin BiographyKarl von Sturgkh
BiographyAdolphe Guillaumat BiographyVladimir Sukhomlinov
BiographyVasily Gurko BiographyBoris Sturmer
BiographyGeorges Guynemer BiographyGrigory Suk
BiographyHugo Haase BiographyErnest Swinton
BiographyDouglas Haig BiographyMehmed Talaat Pasha
BiographyFritz Haber BiographyKarl von Tappen
BiographyRichard Haking BiographyPaolo Thaon di Revel
BiographyLord Haldane BiographyEdmond Thieffry
BiographyWilliam Hall BiographyAlbert Thomas
BiographyLionel Halsey BiographyBert Thomas
BiographyIan Hamilton BiographyJohn Thompson
BiographyLloyd Hamilton BiographyChristopher Thomson
BiographyA. Hamilton Gordon BiographyAlfred von Tirpitz
BiographyMaurice Hankey BiographyCount Tisza
BiographyJames Harbord BiographyCharles Townshend
BiographyCharles Harington BiographyArnold Toynbee
BiographyWarren G Harding BiographyHugh Trenchard
BiographyAlfred Harmsworth BiographyAdolf von Trotha
BiographyAnton Haus BiographyErnest Troubridge
BiographyMax Klemens von Hausen BiographyAnte Trumbic
BiographyEvelina Haverfield BiographyRichard Turner
BiographyLanoe Hawker BiographyErnst Udet
BiographyTom Hazell BiographyVictor Utgoff
BiographyJosias von Heeringen BiographyJacob Van Deventer
BiographyPrince Heinrich BiographyPeter Vasic
BiographyKarl Helfferich BiographyJoseph Veltjens
BiographyGeorg von Hertling BiographyEleutherios Venizelos
BiographyH. Hesketh-Prichard BiographyKing Vittorio III
BiographyPaul von Hindenburg BiographyRene Viviani
BiographyPaul von Hintze BiographyWerner Voss
BiographyFranz von Hipper BiographyJoseph Ward
BiographyAdolf Hitler BiographyFabian Ware
BiographyTalbot Hobbs BiographyDavid Watson
BiographyMax Hoffmann BiographyJames Gerard Watson
BiographyNorman Holbrook BiographyOtto Weddigen
BiographyHenning von Holtzendorff BiographyJoseph Wehner
BiographyHorace Hood BiographyAlexander Wekerle
BiographyHenry Horne BiographyRosslyn Wemyss
BiographyMiklos Horthy BiographyKuno von Westarp
BiographyConrad von Hotzendorf BiographyMaxime Weygand
BiographyColonel House BiographyBrudenell White
BiographyBilly Hughes BiographyWilbert White
BiographySam Hughes BiographyBrand Whitlock
BiographyGeorges Humbert BiographyKaiser Wilhelm II
BiographyArchibald Hunter BiographyCrown Prince Wilhelm
BiographyAylmer Hunter-Weston BiographyHenry Willis-O-Connor
BiographyM Hussarek von Heinlein BiographyHenry Wilson
BiographyOskar von Hutier BiographyWoodrow Wilson
BiographyPaul Hymans BiographyKurt Wolff
BiographyMax Immelmann BiographyLeonard Wood
BiographyDavid Ingalls BiographyHenry Woollett
BiographyFrederich von Ingenohl BiographyRemus von Woyrsch
BiographyElsie Inglis BiographyPetr Wrangel
BiographyGodfrey Irving BiographyVasili Yanchenko
BiographyNikolai Ivanov BiographyBosa Yankovich
BiographyAhmed Izzet Pasha BiographyNikolai Yanushkevich
BiographyAlbert Jacka BiographyLewis Yealland
BiographyHenry Jackson BiographyAlvin C. York
BiographyJohn Jackson BiographyNikolai Yudenich
BiographyJosef Jacobs BiographyFelix Yusupov
BiographyFernand Jacquet BiographyAndrei Zayonchkovski
BiographyGottlieb von Jagow BiographyFerdinand von Zeppelin
BiographyJean Jaures BiographyNikola Zhekov
BiographyJohn Jellicoe BiographyYakov Zhilinski
BiographyAlan Jerrard BiographyArthur Zimmermann
BiographyHugh Jeudwine

"Coffin Nails" was a term used by British soldiers to describe cigarettes.

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Who's Who
