Primary Documents - Treaty of Bucharest, 7 May 1918: Articles 3-9
Second Chapter:
Demobilisation of the Roumanian Fighting Forces
Article 3
After the signature of the peace treaty and on the basis of the provisions contained in Articles IV to VII, the demobilization of the Roumanian army, now under way, will be carried out immediately.
Article 4
The general military bureaus of the army, the higher commanding authorities and military institutions will be maintained as provided for in the last peace budget. Divisions 11 to 15 continue their demobilization as stipulated in the treaty of Focsani of March, 1918. Of the Roumanian divisions Nos. 1 to 10, the 2 divisions serving in Bessarabia remain on a war footing, together with the chasseur battalions left over from the disbanded chasseur divisions, as well as the 2 cavalry divisions of the Roumanian army, until, as a result of military operations carried on in Ukraine by the Allied Powers, there is no longer any danger for the frontiers of Roumania. The remaining 8 divisions remain in Moldavia with maintenance of their staffs and commands, on a reduced peace footing. They will comprise 4 infantry regiments of 3 battalions each, 2 cavalry regiments of 4 squadrons each, 2 field artillery regiments of 7 batteries each, 1 battalion of pioneers and the necessary technical troops and convoys, the number of which is to be fixed in a subsequent agreement; the total force of these 8 infantry divisions shall not exceed 20,000 men, that of the cavalry shall not exceed 3,200 men and that of the total artillery of the Roumanian army, apart from the divisions that remain mobilized shall not exceed 9,000 men. The divisions that remain mobilized in Bessarabia shall, in case of demobilization, be decreased to the peace footing on the basis of the 8 divisions mentioned in sentence 4. All other Roumanian troops which did not exist in peace time, will be disbanded. The active period of service remains the same as in peace time and reservists, inclusive of the forces of the Calarasch regiments, will not be called to the colours until after the conclusion of the general peace.
Article 5
Ordnance, machine guns, hand arms, horses, wagons and munitions made available in consequence of the reduction or disbanding of the Roumanian troops will be transferred, until the conclusion of the general peace, under the high command of the allied fighting forces within the occupied Roumanian territories and to be taken care of by it, and under the high supervision of the supreme command they will be watched over and administered by Roumanian depot troops. Ammunition to be left with the Roumanian army in Moldavia is limited to 250 cartridges for each musket, to 2500 cartridges for each machine gun and to 150 shots for each piece of ordnance. The Roumanian army is entitled, in agreement with the supreme command of the allied fighting forces, to exchange useless material in the depots of occupied regions and to demand from the munition depots replacement of munition used up. The divisions which remain mobilized in Bessarabia shall retain the amount of ammunition regularly allowed in the state of war.
Article 6
Until the time of the evacuation of the occupied Roumanian territories the demobilized Roumanian troops shall remain in Moldavia. Exception hereto is made with regard to forces mentioned under Article V, sentence 1, necessary for the preservation of the arms and other material deposited within these territories. The demobilized troops and reserve officers may return within the occupied territories. The officers of the active army and others formerly in active service must, in order to return to these territories, secure the permission of the supreme command of the allied fighting forces.
Article 7
An officer of the general staff of the allied Powers, with staff, is appointed as liaison officer to the Roumanian chief commander in Moldavia, and in the occupied Roumanian territories, a Roumanian officer of the general staff, with staff, is appointed as liaison officer to the supreme command of the allied fighting forces.
Article 8
The Roumanian fluvial and maritime forces shall, until conditions in Bessarabia have been cleared up, remain intact as regards their forces and equipments, in so far as such forces are not to be restricted in accordance with Article IX. Subsequently these fighting forces are to be restored to their usual peace footing. Excepted from these are the fluvial forces necessary to police the river and the naval forces that may be utilizable in the Black Sea for the protection of commercial navigation and the reestablishment of navigable lanes free from mines. Immediately after the signature of the peace treaty, these fluvial forces, on the basis of a special agreement, will be put at the disposal of the agencies charged with the river police. The naval technical Commission of the Black Sea is given the right to dispose of the maritime forces; a Roumanian naval officer is to be appointed to this Commission in order to establish the liaison.
Article 9
All the military and naval personnel who in peace time were employed in the ports and in navigation shall, at the time of the demobilization, be released first, in order that they may find employment in their former activity.
The "Blue Max" was a reference to the prestigious German Pour le Merite medal.
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